Plan to stop drivers ruining verges on this road in Wakefield will 'improve area'

Lime Pit Lane links Aberford Road with Stanley village.Lime Pit Lane links Aberford Road with Stanley village.
Lime Pit Lane links Aberford Road with Stanley village.
A plan to address problem parking by drivers will improve life for locals and the area's appearance, it has been suggested.

Residents on Lime Pit Lane, which links Stanley village to Aberford Road, have complained for several years about motorists parking on grass verges and destroying the turf.

The issue has centred around the Aberford Road junction, where drivers regularly stop either to visit the Stanley Marsh nature reserve, or pick their kids up from the nearby primary school.

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Now Wakefield Council has said it will install fencing on the roadside to stop this from happening.

The verges will soon be fenced off to prevent damage like this.The verges will soon be fenced off to prevent damage like this.
The verges will soon be fenced off to prevent damage like this.

The field on the northern side of the road will also be fenced off, partly to prevent a repeat of illegal traveller camps being set up there.

Local ward councillor Matthew Morley said: "It's been an issue for quite a while. People have been parking on the bottom edge of the road constantly, whether it be for the school or to walk for the nature reserve.

"It's messed up the verges and it's put mud all over the place.

"We've got some money set aside for it so it's good news.

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Stanley and Outwood East councillor Matthew Morley.Stanley and Outwood East councillor Matthew Morley.
Stanley and Outwood East councillor Matthew Morley.

"Lime Pit Lane is one of the main routes into the village and so we want it to look as nice and as pleasant as possible.

"We've had quite a few illegal encampments on the large grassed area, so this will hopefully solve that issue as well."

The fencing will be installed at a cost of £14,000. Parking for Lime Pit Lane residents, whose homes are further up the street, will not be affected.

Local Democracy Reporting Service