Wakefield Trinity staff member receives death threat, reveals chief executive

A member of staff at Wakefield Trinity has received a death threat in recent weeks, revealed chief executive Michael Carter. Picture: SWpix.com.A member of staff at Wakefield Trinity has received a death threat in recent weeks, revealed chief executive Michael Carter. Picture: SWpix.com.
A member of staff at Wakefield Trinity has received a death threat in recent weeks, revealed chief executive Michael Carter. Picture: SWpix.com.
WAKEFIELD Trinity chief executive Michael Carter has revealed that a member of club staff has received a death threat within the last few weeks.

Wakefield Trinity joined the RFL and other sporting bodies in a social media boycott last weekend to highlight the high levels of discrimination and abuse on the platforms.

Carter admits the situation has left him questioning his involvement in the sport and has called for greater powers to deal with abusive messages sent online.

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“I wholeheartedly agree with the stance taken by major sporting organisations in the last week regarding social media,” he first told Rugby League Live.

“While clearly it impacts the 99 per cent of people that do not post or tolerate online abuse, hopefully this is the first step in either holding social media outlets to account, or getting those that can debate in an adult manner to call out those who wish to hurl abuse in any direction.

“The final straw for me was being sent a screenshot of a post in which a male adult, who clearly has a very young family, ‘hoping’ that a member of my staff ‘dies’.

"Rugby League is a game. It’s not life and death. And this particular unpleasant situation had me questioning whether I wanted to carry on being involved in professional sport.”

On the pitch, Wakefield are still waiting for their first win of the 2021 campaign and return to action next week against rivals Leeds Rhinos.